Sunday, November 21, 2010
Holiday Market First Day - 2010
Sunday, November 7, 2010
More Prep for Holiday Market 2010
Sunday, October 31, 2010
Saturday Market - 10/29/10
Monday, October 18, 2010
Holiday Bags Preview
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Saturday Market - 9/18/10
Monday, September 6, 2010
Saturday Market - 9/4/10
Sunday, August 29, 2010
Saturday Market - 8/28/10
Sunday, August 22, 2010
Holiday Market Preview - 2010
Monday, August 16, 2010
Saturday Market - 8/7/10
Monday, August 2, 2010
Saturday Market - 7/31/2010
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Saturday Market - 7/17/10
Gorgeous summer day in Eugene for the Saturday Market this past weekend. Lots of foot traffic and people enjoying the weather, the products and the entertainment that floods the market. We were excited to have some of our bags travel with their new families to other parts of the United States. Check them out if you head to Connecticut, I'm sure they are out shopping with their adopted family. We've also had some venture to Canada, South Carolina, New York (apple bags in the Big Apple???), California, Colorado. I guess with Canada, that makes us international. Thanks Saturday Market for the exposure.
Monday, July 5, 2010
Saturday Market - 6/3/2010
I think they might have seen our bags before online but not positive about that. Anyway, so good of them to stop by. See, you never know what you'll find at the Saturday Market, so you'd better make it next weekend.
We're dabbling with putting some products on etsy, so if that's a more comfortable place to shop, please check it out. It's still in process and pretty crude beginnings right now (making the formatting fit, etc.), but what the heck.
Did you take your bags to the store with you this week? If not, leave yourself a note and make it part of your shopping list. BYOB people. See ya next time.
Monday, June 28, 2010
Saturday Market - 6/26/2010
Check them out online on our website, then come and visit them in person next weekend. We'll be there waiting to visit and answer any questions you may have. The weather is slated to be another great one for being outdoors and of course, supported your local vendors doing there best to stimulate our economy, starting right here in the Eugene area.
So see you this next weekend and remember to Bring Your Own Bag (BYOB) when you do your grocery shopping. It feels great to help save the planet any way you can - in our case, one bag at a time.
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Saturday Market - 6/19/2010
Eaduard finally got a spot this week and looks like he has some new items to add to his hair sticks - he had some chop sticks. Very cool stuff. If you didn't stop by, make sure and be there next Saturday. Welcome to the world of the semi-permanent-maybe-will-be-there ground Eaduard.
We added single bags to our list of sellables this past weekend, so if you're in the market for just one bag instead of a whole set, we got 'em. We won't list those on the website, but it will just be a market thing, so stop by. As always, feel free to browse on the Bzz Bags website. You can buy there or just figure out what it is you want and stop in and see us at the market.
See you next blog, next market and/or online. Meanwhile, keep bringing your own bags to the store.
Sunday, June 13, 2010
Saturday Market - 6/12/2010
So, relax, be one with nature, use reusable resources (Bzz Bags - hint) and enjoy what we have and what our following generations will also be able to have. Later bag fans.
Monday, June 7, 2010
Saturday Market - 6/5/2010
We keep our product moving, so you'll have to stop by and see what we have from before and what we've added. Here's a cool print that we don't have on the website yet, but we'll have for next weekend's market. We've got it mixed with a nice deep green leafy looking material that we think makes a nice set.
Sunday, May 30, 2010
Saturday Market - 5/29/2010
Sunday, May 23, 2010
Saturday Market - 5/22/2010
This picture is from a couple weeks ago. Folks checking out clothing made by one of the vendors. Something for everyone, for sure.
I wanted to mention that our website has gotten a face lift of sorts. Come take a look and see what you think. We have a number of tote sets - we like to call them Bag-Bags - as well as updating our custom product fabric inventory divided out by types; animals, plant-life, designs and produce.
Enjoy wandering through our site. Make sure to come and wander by all the vendors next Saturday. Just to entice you, we'd love to give you $2 off on any of our bag sets. Just tell us that you saw us on our blog and remember this secret word for Saturday, May 29th - "BLUEBERRY" - shhhh. Don't tell anyone except for us when you stop by.
Remember to save a couple bucks next Saturday and especially remember to BYOB when you go to the store next time.
Sunday, May 16, 2010
Saturday Market - 5/15/2010
Again, a great turnout to enjoy the day, the local made-products, good food and enjoyable people-watching.
We sold a few sets of Bzz Bags which always makes us feel great knowing that more and more people are using reusable, recyclable materials to do their shopping. We see a number of people that have purchased our bags in the past and sure makes us happy to hear that they are taking them to the store each week. Thanks everyone.
We've mentioned before that we make custom bags too. We have made some bags for a local bagel store, a market vendor for hair sticks and have had recent requests for a cell phone bag and one for party gifts, so there are lots of fun, inventive was to find uses. But for us, the most important is to use bags as a replacement for plastic. We've found, in our house that our overall use of plastic has been reduced by about 90%. Just think, if everyone did that . . . So, make your own, find someone online or buy ours, but please remember to BYOB to the store.
See ya next time.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Saturday Market - 5/8/2010
We're getting a lot of requests this year for custom bags and we love making them for specific situations. We've done some for hair sticks, for bagels, we have some for coffee beans and of course many sets for your grocery shopping bulk food and produce, either in sets or individual if you prefer.
Come by and say "hi" next Saturday and/or stop by our website and see what we have. (we pronounce it Bee's Bags, but call it whatever you want, just BYOB to the store). Help save our planet one bag at a time by using reusable cotton bags as an alternative to plastic in your daily adventures.
Monday, May 3, 2010
Saturday Market - 5/1/2010
Many vendors donated items for the raffle being held for Mother's Day next weekend, so make sure and be there and get something "free" for Mom. How cool is that?
Some come to the market this coming Saturday and remember to Bring Your Own Bags with you to throw in some great fresh local produce and artisan fun toys.
Eaduard is a vendor at the Saturday Market. He makes and sells some amazing looking hairsticks. He requested some custom bags from us and we obliged, so check them out along with his products. Here's a link to Eaduard's Etsy site online. Very cool and good luck Mr. E.
Saturday, April 24, 2010
Saturday Market - 4/24/2010
One of the things I really enjoy is making new friends. The market has a lot of really great people showing their wares. Even if you don't want to buy anything, you should come out next weekend and enjoy the people. It really rejuvenates. Feels great.
Here's a picture from earlier in the season. Jammin' the Saturday Market.
We made a new partner through the market this past week. Srithip and her husband own The Daily Bagel in Eugene. She commissioned us to make some reusable cotton bags for her customers to carry home their bagels instead of using plastic bags. Great idea and we sure hope it works out well for so many reasons.
Till next time - and Bring Your Own Bags folks - we just happen to have some online.
Monday, April 19, 2010
Market - 4/17/2010
Now these fairies are just cute, no different way to slice it. But, if you stop by to purchase one of these from our neighboring vendor, make sure to stop in an a get a 100% cotton bag to carry it home in. Wouldn't want to get it dirty on the way home and hey, the bag is washable, so no problem.
As always, if you can't make it, let someone know about where we have all sorts of great fun fabrics to choose from or even get some custom made. All hand made in the US. See ya next go-around and remember to BYOB - Bring Your Own Bag.
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Day Two Market 2010
Great to see people flock to, and support local growers and craftspeople. Again lots to see, do, buy and eat. Great stuff. Come on out next weekend and we'll have more fun. Bring Your Own Bag and fill it up with vendors' items. Hey, forget your bag? Then stop by and see us first and get your reusable fun print bag for tons of different items. We have sets with totes too.
Did you visit us yet at BzzBags? See ya soon.
Sunday, April 4, 2010
Day One Market 2010
It was great to back in the saddle and see everyone again. No pictures this week, I didn't have an underwater camera and was afraid to risk mine for the event, but I'm assured we'll get some snaps next weekend.
Come on by and see us all next Saturday for day two and visit us at our website. Talk to ya'll soon.