Monday, June 28, 2010

Saturday Market - 6/26/2010

Lots of the community showed up to the market this weekend. Even saw most of our local family there to shop and get some locally grown produce. Nice to chat and help them find some good food and support the community. We had a lot of interest in our single bags - great for someone who just wants to spend a few bucks and start creating their repertoire of eco-friendly shopping experience bags. We've got a bunch of different fun looking bags to choose from.

Check them out online on our website, then come and visit them in person next weekend. We'll be there waiting to visit and answer any questions you may have. The weather is slated to be another great one for being outdoors and of course, supported your local vendors doing there best to stimulate our economy, starting right here in the Eugene area.

So see you this next weekend and remember to Bring Your Own Bag (BYOB) when you do your grocery shopping. It feels great to help save the planet any way you can - in our case, one bag at a time.

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